The meeting will take place in the city centre of Bordeaux. There are several hotels close to the meeting place: a list is available on this website.
NB: The registration fee does not include accommodation.
/!\ April 25 is the final date for the submission of abstracts for presentations
Oral and poster presentations are welcome on both meetings topics (please, to simplify the work of the editorial board and avoid confusion, indicate at the end of the abstract file you intend to submit (oral comm. or poster) the acronyms "(EAFE)" or "(ICFAE)".
A few notes for presenters:
Poster presentations: The size of your poster should not exceed DIN A0 (ca. 119 x 84 cm)
Oral presentations: Your presentation should be no longer than 15 minutes (10 minutes talk + 5 minutes discussion).
Deadline for Registration : 10th May. No Registration possible after that deadline
Registration fees include welcome pack, coffee and lunch breaks from Wednesday 5th to Friday 7th June, as well as the cocktail party on Wednesday 5th June.
ICFAE meeting (Only) “Early” (before 25th April 2019) “Late” (from 25th April 2019)
Delegate 110 € 130 €
Student* 85 € 100 €
EAFE meeting (only)
Delegate 175 € 215 €
Student* 100 € 120 €
EAFE + ICFAE meetings
Delegate 210 € 240 €
Student* 180 € 210 €
*Students will be asked to provide a proof of their student status with a letter from their university supervisor
NB: Accompanying persons (those not working in a science related occupation or field) may attend the social events but must register individually (complete the entire registration procedure) and pay the closing dinner and/or excursion fee.
- Social dinner (Thursday June 6th ) 60 €
- Bordeaux region visit (St Emilion village) (Saturday June 8th) 20 €
Provisional program:
9:30am. –10:30am: Departure from Bordeaux by bus
10:30am –12:00am: guided tour
12:30pm – 4:30pm: free time
4:30pm: Return to Bordeaux / Arrival: 5:30pm
Registration procedure
1.Go to the registration page
Please take note that, you MUST follow the process UNTIL THE PAYMENT PAGE, where you will have the possibility to either pay immediately, or be given references for a bank transfer. If the procedure is stopped before the last page, it will be void and will have to be repeated from the start.
2. Possible payment methods are:
- credit cards,
- bank transfers.
Please have all the necessary information and payment tools ready before beginning the registration process
The meeting is organised by PACEA [Prehistory & Anthropology laboratory], University of Bordeaux, the CNRS (National Center for Scientific Research), the Archaeological Sciences Federation of Bordeaux, and by the French National Institute for Preventive Archaeological Research (INRAP).
See you soon in Bordeaux,
Jean-Bernard & Jean-Hervé
Organizer committee